
July 19, 2010

Homemade Jolly Rancher Lollipops

Here is another really fun and easy treat for the kids... and adults!   I had a bag of jolly ranchers lying on my counter that was calling my name. In the back of my mind, I was still thinking about those wonderful chocolate lollipops when it hit me -- jolly rancher lollipops! I decided to attempt to melt them in my oven and stick a lollipop stick through them. First, I placed them side by side on a greased tin foil sheet but I left them in too long and they became paper thin.  Learn from my mistake -- watch them closely in the oven so this will not happen to you, too.   

I then had the idea to wrap tin foil around a heart-shaped cookie cutter use it as a mold for the lollipops. It worked like a charm!  These are so fun and easy and they make a delicious treat.


  • Jolly ranchers
  • Tin foil
  • Lollipop sticks

Preheat oven to 225 degrees.

For an easy lollipop, place three jolly ranchers side-by-side on a greased cookie sheet.  For a shaped lollipop, wrap tin foil around a cookie cutter(s) and coat with baking spray.  Set the cookie cutter(s) on a greased baking sheet.  Place three (or more depending on the size and shape you have made) jolly ranchers inside the tin foil mold.

Bake for 5 to 6 minutes, watching carefully as they will become paper thin if you leave them in too long.  Remove from the oven.

Gently press a lollipop stick halfway through the jolly ranchers, twisting slightly in order to completely mold the candy around the stick.  If you are using the cookie cutter method, carefully peel away the tin foil from the candy and then insert the lollipop sticks.

Set aside and allow to cool completely.



    1. Very creative! You could have so much fun mixing up the Jolly Ranchers to create tasty flavors.

    2. What fun! Bet the kids go wild for these and big people too!

    3. my kids make these all the time and it works good in a sprayed cookie cutter for an ornament at christmas -just put a whole through it at the top when still warm


    4. Great idea about the ornaments! I will definitely have to try it this coming Christmas. Maybe sprinkle some crushed candy cane on top, too! Thanks for the hot tip :)

    5. Man, I love jolly ranchers. This post really speaks to me. Great job.


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