
July 4, 2011

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs

I spent all day Saturday preparing food from homemade ice cream to potato salad for two picnics.  Fruit kabobs are a perfect side because they are naturally delicious, healthy, colorful and very fun for the kids.  Be sure to clip off the sharp ends of the wooden skewers for the younger ones!

Happy Fourth of July!  

  • Strawberries, sliced in half - red
  • Cantaloupe, cut in bite-size pieces - orange 
  • Pineapple, cut in bite-size pieces - yellow
  • Honey dew, cute in bite-size pieces - green
  • Blueberries - blue
  • Grapes - purple (I omitted)

Carefully slide each piece of fruit on a skewer in the pattern of strawberry, cantaloupe, pineapple, honey dew, blueberry and grape.  Repeat the pattern until you get to the end of the skewer.

Clip off the sharp ends of the wooden skewer.

Enjoy!  Simple and delicious!  


  1. At all of the cookouts I went to it was good food but sugar laden desserts and greasy burgers. While I enjoyed them, I certainly wished there was a healthy fruit kabob like yours somewhere in the mix. Those look so refreshing!

  2. Hi, My comment did not get through this morning!
    The fruit kabobs is a really great idea. It is so pretty and refreshing! Especially when served cool from the fridge, yummy!

  3. Interessante è conoscere nuovi modi di cucinare, mi piace!
    Hai un bel blog, complimenti!

  4. Wonderful colorful idea!! Kids will love it!!

  5. This is such a great way to serve fruit. It is perfect for a party. I hope you had a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Perfectly produced fruit kebabs. Hope all your food turned out great and your picnics fun.

  7. Love fruit. Refreshing and healthy. Yum!

  8. How much fun for us and our kids. Healthy and refreshing for those hot days! I love this one!

  9. Super fun! I love healthy ideas that are fun to look at!

  10. How much of each fruit did you use and how many did it make? I need to make about 35 kabobs and trying to determine how much fruit to buy. thank you!

  11. It yields approximately 18 to 20 kabobs. I used nearly a pint of strawberries, one half of a cantaloupe, a whole pineapple, one half of a honey dew and a little less than a half pint of blueberries.


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