
January 25, 2012

Crab-Stuffed Cucumber Cups

This is another perfect appetizer for the super bowl.  Before I go on about the recipe, I have a question:  Who here is addicted to Pinterest?!  *Raises hand with a big, nerdy grin on her face*  Me!  Me!  I find myself constantly inspired and intrigued while browsing through the limitless, stunning photos.  It seriously is an addiction.  On my "Food To Make" board, I have some really tasty-looking pins, one of which I have been dying to try by Domestic Fits.  I stuck to the recipe for the most part but I added some freshly-squeezed lemon juice and decided I didn't want a spicy version, so I used Dijon instead of brown mustard left out the hot pepper sauce.  These turned out wonderful!  I had guests over for dinner last night and served these appetizers.  They were a hit with my company (especially since they were on the Atkins' diet).  Even my husband who can't stand cucumbers tried one and liked it.

P.S.  If you don't already follow me on Pinterest, click HERE to follow me and I promise to follow you back.

  • 3 long cucumbers, peeled  
  • 1/4 c sour cream 
  • 1/4 c cream cheese, softened
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard 
  • Dash of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3/4 c crab meat 
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste
  • Paprika 

Cut the cucumbers in 1-inch pieces.  Using a melon baller, scoop the inside of each cucumber to make a cup, being careful to not scoop through the bottom.  

In a medium bowl, mix together the sour cream, cream cheese and Dijon mustard.  Stir in the crab meat, until just combined.  Season with salt and pepper.

Spoon the crab mixture into each cucumber cup.  Sprinkle paprika over all. 

Chill until ready to serve. 



  1. Mememememememememeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am addicted to pinterest. I have been so inspired from decor, party planning, and recipes! It's always great to se my blog friends all over there as well and I love to show love :)

    This looks gorgeous. My son who HATES cucumbers but loves seafood may be down for this as well. Mmmmm!

  2. They are so dainty and fun and beautiful! YUM!

  3. These look fabulous and I bet I can make these with our tuna salad.
    Great for spring and summer gatherings! Love it! :)

  4. I was looking fro a variation on the "spicy" version. Thank you. Pinning this now

  5. Was wondering what kind of cucumbers you used. I noticed that most call for English, but I only have the regular one's; not sure of the name.

  6. The regular ones are called garden cucumbers and those are the ones that I use. The English ones are thinner and may be a little harder to work with.


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