
July 25, 2011

Steamed Clams

We decided to run to Wegman's to get sushi and a few grocery items a few nights ago.  Is it me or is it impossible to leave that place without a cart full of stuff that you didn't need in the first place?!  We walked in with one cart and intended to spend about $40 but walked out with two carts and had a $150 bill.  Clams were not on my grocery list but we picked them up anyway.  There are many things on this earth that God has created that need little or no help to be delicious.  In our opinion, clams are one of them.  While they are good over pasta and with other spices and vegetables, we prefer them as a simple snack.  A little butter, a little garlic, a little wine and viola!  Deliciousness! My daughter has conversations with them, so we even get a little entertainment out of it.  

  • Small clams (such as littleneck), scrubbed and rinsed
  • 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 
  • 2 tbsp butter 
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced 
  • 1 c white wine (or chicken broth)

Heat the oil and butter over medium heat in a large pot.  Once the foam subsides, add the garlic and cook for 1 minute.  Pour in the white wine and bring to a boil.

Add the clams.  Cover and cook until the clams have opened, approximately 10 minutes.  Discard any that do not open.

Carefully remove the clams onto a serving platter.  Pour the juices over all and serve.



  1. Oh yummy. Simple and delicious and filling and simply YUMMY!

  2. Oh man, I really miss clams!! Have seen them at the fishmongers occasionally...will have to sneak a look next weekend!

  3. I've never had clams like this--always on pasta-- although I've always wanted to. I didn't know it was so easy to make. I hope to try some this summer when I'm up in Boston!

  4. I adore clams. Has your daughter learned the shells can be used as castanets? As to the purchase of unplanned items, I'm guilty in a big way. I really can't help myself once I'm in the grocery store. My cart has magnets that pull things from the shelves to it. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. These look delicious! Thanks for sharing!


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