
August 12, 2011

Bacon and Egg Breakfast Cups

One day, I received an email from my husband with the strange subject line of, "OMG. I want".  I opened the email to find something very unexpected -- a huge photo of bacon cups cradling eggs over light.  Suddenly, the subject line made perfect sense.  I remembered seeing something similar on and, while her recipe is very different than what I came up with, it was a great starting point.  These turned out fantastic!  If you are a bacon lover, I highly recommend them!

Yields 6 servings

  • 6 100% whole wheat bread slices
  • 12 slices bacon 
  • 12 large eggs
  • Shredded cheddar cheese 
  • Salt, to taste
  • Ground pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Using a cookie cutter (or a drinking glass), cut out 9 circles in the bread.  Set aside.

In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the bacon until it is partially cooked but not completely crispy and still bendable, about 5 minutes.  Drain on paper towels.  Cut 6 of the bacon slices in half.  

Press the bread circles down into the bottom of 6 greased muffin wells.  Curl two halves of the bacon slices around the bread, to form the sides of the cups.  Break up the remaining 6 whole pieces of bacon and lay them flat on top of the bread, to form the bases of the cups.

Sprinkle some cheddar cheese into each bacon cup.  Crack an egg on top of each cup, being careful not to break the yolk.

Bake in the oven for 13 to 15 minutes, or until the eggs are set to your preference.

Run a knife around the sides of each muffin well.  Carefully pop the bacon cups out using a fork.

Season with salt and pepper.



  1. These are beautiful! They also sound absolutely awesome! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  2. Yum! I'll definitely be trying these.

  3. Wow! My husband will go crazy over these. Bookmarking for later.

  4. I love these! Yours look fantastic.

  5. This is perfect for not only adults but i am thinking even my 2 yr old picky eater son! He would love this. Great recipe and the picture is worth a thousand words

  6. this looks adorable! too cute to eat!

  7. Oh I LOVE making these, you did a great job!! Love your blog and so glad to be a new follower! xoxo

  8. These look way better than ours did. We made these, but didn't cut out a circle from the bread. We just shoved the bread in to form a bread cup and put all the other stuff inside. Tastes delicious!

  9. These look fantastic! What a great idea.


  10. What a cute and clever idea! My husband would go crazy over this. Definitely will have to make it for him.


  11. Gorgeous shot! I do not eat bacon but my sons are bacon obsessed :) These make a great presentation and would be perfect for brunch...


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