
October 31, 2011

Mummy Cupcakes

My daughter's fall classroom party is today and I decided to make some cute little mummy cupcakes for the class.  They were so easy and so adorable!  The kids loved them!


  • 1 box chocolate cake mix
  • 1 (16 oz) container white frosting 
  • Butterscotch chips 
  • Black gel


Bake cupcakes per box instructions.  Allow them to cool completely before decorating.  

Press two butterscotch chips upside down into each cupcakes (eyes).  Place a small dot of black gel in the center of each butterscotch chip.

Using Wilton icing tip #104, ice straight lines vertically, horizontally and diagonally, leaving some of the chocolate cupcake exposed around the eyes.  



  1. So cute! I read about the snow on Yahoo! Can't believe it. Your photo of your snow covered rose is great too. Enjoy these adorable cupcakes.

  2. Adorable is right! I love the way you left an area open for making the eyes. Using the 'upside down' butterscotch chips is genius :)

    3 inches of snow in my area of Maryland.

  3. The cupcakes are really cute! It must beautiful with the snowflakes! Wish I could see and feel snow just once! :)

  4. The cupcakes are absolutely adorable but I am loving the last picture the best- the one of you and your daughter in kitchen. So cute!


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