
May 27, 2011

Chicken Parmigiana and Prosciutto Pizza

Welcome to the 4th edition of "Fridge Fridays"

The purpose of "Fridge Fridays" is to share with you how I use leftovers from my fridge to create a meal.  

This pizza was so good!  It was even better leftover cold with a glass of milk!  

The Leftovers

Chicken Parmigiana:  We ordered out one night from a local Italian joint that we love and had leftover chicken parmigiana.

  • 1 pizza crust - click here for my homemade recipe
  • 1/2 c spaghetti sauce
  • 1/2 lb leftover chicken parmigiana, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 
  • 2 oz thinly-sliced prosciutto, chopped
  • 2 tbsp fresh basil, chopped
  • 1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese 
  • 1/4 c shredded cheese (I used a combination of cheddar and mozzarella)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 425 degrees, or according to your pizza crust recipe directions.  Spread the tomato sauce evenly on top of your crust.  Add the chicken evenly over the tomato sauce and top with prosciutto and basil.  Sprinkle the cheeses evenly over all.  Season with salt and pepper.  

Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the pizza crust is golden and the cheese is melted. 


  1. oh my gosh the combination of the two sound amazing. So flavorful and rich. Perfect pizza in my opinion. Now only if I could get to your house to have the leftovers- are there leftovers? LOL!

  2. Love it!!! This is my kind of leftovers.

    Have a great weekend.


  3. Love this! Looks so good, I'd cook the chicken parm just to make the pizza! You've inspired me to get back into my "Refrigerator Challenge' posts :)

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments :)

    Kitchen Belleicious, the leftovers didn't stand a chance here! Next time, I'll save you a slice ;)

    Shawn, I visited your refrigerator challenge posts and they looked great! You should totally keep that up. Such great ideas in there :)

  5. Making pizza is a great way to use leftovers and I love the ingredients you have used on this one. Last week I added some leftover asparagus and don't recommend it. I didn't care for it AT ALL.

  6. You always have great pizza ideas! This one is no disappointment.

  7. What a fantastic idea! I can't wait to try this.

  8. That really looks delicious. It is a great idea. I hope you have a great day and enjoy the coming weekend. Blessings...Mary

  9. Clever idea! I must do this more often... Great looking pizza!


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