
June 3, 2011

Grilled Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

It was a beautiful, sunny day to grill out and I had some asparagus that I needed to use up.  I wrapped them in thin slices of prosciutto and they made a wonderfully tasty and easy side dish.  

Printable Recipe
  • Asparagus, trimmed
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste
  • Prosciutto, thinly sliced 

Bring a medium pan of water to a boil.  Add the asparagus and blanch for 2 minutes.  Remove the asparagus and place immediately in an ice bath and allow to cool, about 5 minutes.  Pat dry with paper towels.  Lightly drizzle olive oil over the asparagus and season with salt and pepper.

Split the asparagus into bundles of 4.  Wrap each bundle with two slices of prosciutto.

Grill the asparagus seam side down over medium-high heat for 8 to 10 minutes or until the asparagus is tender, turning halfway through grilling.



  1. Now if that can't make someone eat their veggies then I don't know what can. Those looks restaurant quality and something I have actually never done before. So doing it now though-would be perfect with our steaks this weekend!

  2. Love this! I usually roast mine like this but grilling sounds great too.

  3. This is one of my favorite appetizers but, I've never had it grilled or bundle. Your method might be my new favorite :)

    ***My fella was just looking over my shoulder requesting these for tomorrow!

  4. Great appetizer! Easy breezy! Thanks for sharing!

  5. This is so good! The flavor combination is awesome.


  6. Sounds delicious.
    Prosciutto, like bacon, makes everything taste better. =)

  7. Always wanted to try this! Just bought asparagus, so I'm half way there. Thanks!

  8. Tried it. It was great! And I included it in this week's post. Thanks, Celeste!

  9. Prosciutto and asparagus is truly a match made in heaven. Thanks so much for sharing this in our Get Grillin' event!

  10. I wrote a post about this recipe. Would it be OK if I borrowed your lovely picture of it? I'll link it back to your blog, of course.
    (PS. Would have sent this request via your contact button, but it's not working).

  11. Knittedgems, thank you for asking. Yes, you may! :)

  12. Love asparagus and Love procuitto, these look amazing!!

    My sisters and I just started our first themed blog hop over at every Sunday!. This weeks theme is appetizers. We would love for you to come over and share these or any of your favorite appetizer recipes with our blog readers. Have a great weekend.



I would love to hear from you! :)