
September 29, 2009

Back to Basics

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Making your own almond milk is so easy!  You just need to plan ahead for it.  It's raw, lactose-free, unprocessed, and healthy.  It's also creamy and delicious!  Simply soak the almonds in water for 12 hours, drain them, and then process the almonds in the blender with fresh water.  You can also add other ingredients such as vanilla, cinnamon and honey.  It's so...

One of my favorite things to do on a chilly fall day is make applesauce.  It's super easy, tastes better than any of that store-bought stuff you can buy, and it makes the house smell ahh-mazing while it's simmering!  For the best flavor, try to use a variety of apples that are good for cooking such as Fuji, Gala, Pippin, Jonathan, Gravenstein, Rome, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and McIntosh.  Honeycrisp apples are also very good (actually my favorite), but they are a...

Making your own pie crust is easy and involves ingredients that you most likely have lying around your house already.  The key to a flaky pie crust is very cold butter.  Once you have purposed to make your own pie crust from scratch, the very first thing you should do, even before reading through...

Soup weather is upon us!  The stuff from a can doesn't compare to homemade.  All you need is a little time and love and you can enjoy a healthy and hearty soup that is satisfying to the soul.  

Making your own jam is a great way to preserve any in-season fruits that you may have lying around the house.  This black plum and ginger jam is so easy and is made without pectin.  The ginger gives the jam a wonderful little kick.  It's soft, sweet, slightly tart, and spreads like a dream!  

Making your own pasta is incredibly easy and rewarding.  I experimented over the weekend with dough and wanted to make it healthier by omitting the egg yolk and also incorporating whole wheat flour.  The results were fantastic!  

You can easily make your own peanut butter that tastes just as good, if not better, than store-bought brands.  I have found that a lot of recipes call for the addition of different oils, honey, etc., which is completely unnecessary.  Commercial brands tend to add in a lot of sugar to their peanut butter and, since most people have become accustomed to that...

A lot of things have been happening here at Cooking Creation over the past several months.  I have been doing freelance food writing for and have had to take a little hiatus from blogging while working on a big Thanksgiving project.  I'm very excited to share what I've been doing in the next month or so with you.  I will have lots of delicious holiday recipes...

Oh, how I love the sweet aroma of cider while it simmers for hours in my home!  It has become a tradition for me to kick off autumn with some homemade apple cider.  This is such a fun and cute way to serve this beverage.  You can serve these with the cider still hot or chilled.  

I accidentally stumbled upon a comment once about how someone made their own vanilla extract from home.  I hesitated for a long time but finally gave in and tried it once I came across Simply Recipes' recipe for it.  The result?  The taste is better than store-bought, it yields large quantities at a time, it lasts for years, it is extremely easy to make, and it is cost effective!  Will I ever buy vanilla...

Making your own jerky is incredibly easy.  From BBQ to honey mustard, you can easily control the flavor to your liking!  There is no need for use of a dehydrator because you can slowly roast these babies in the oven, although a dehydrator would cut down the time significantly.  These are a perfect gift for Father's Day or just as a snack in general.  

Every Monday morning, I plan my meals for the week and run to the grocery store and it makes my life so much easier. Tonight, I had planned to make shepherd's pie but I was craving stuffed shells for some reason, so I decided to scrap the whole shepherd's pie thing. It is rare for me to stray from my meal plan. I normally use ricotta in my stuffed shells but I didn't have any because...

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